Gambling Advertising Legislation Victoria
Advertising in 2018–19 will support the TAFE Victoria brand by encouraging Victorians to explore the opportunities for learning, development and advancement offered by Victorian TAFEs through the TAFE Will Take You There campaign, and the new Free TAFE for Priority Courses initiative. The Parliament of Victoria is the bicameral legislature of the Australian state of Victoria that follows a Westminster-derived parliamentary system. It consists of the Queen, represented by the Governor of Victoria, the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council. The Inquiry into Interactive and Online Gambling and Gambling Advertising (JSCGR, 2011) subsequently recommended a ban on promoting live odds during sport, and a mandatory national code for wagering advertising covering inducements to bet, responsible gambling messages, and restricting certain forms of advertising. Tasmanian Act applies as law of Victoria 9.2.2. Amendment of Schedules PART 3-FURTHER PROVISIONS REGULATINGONBOARD GAMING Division 1-Legality of onboard gaming 9.3.1. Legality of onboard gaming 9.3.2. Non-applicability of other laws Division 2-Conduct of onboard gaming 9.3.3. Limit on number of gaming machines 9.3.4.
Liquor policy
In Victoria, a recent measure was passed banning gambling advertisements from trains, buses, taxis, in train stations, and near schools. Gambling ads like this will no longer be seen in or on.
The liquor policy team is responsible for:
- developing the overall liquor policy framework, preparing policy options and implementing policy decisions of the government
- developing liquor legislation and regulation
- supporting and facilitating stakeholder engagement and providing advice to the Minister for Consumer Affairs Gaming and Liquor Regulation on liquor issues.

For information about liquor licensing, refer to the Business licensing section of our website.

Liquor reports, submissions and discussion papers
Gambling policy
The gambling policy team is responsible for:
- developing the overall gambling policy framework, preparing policy options and implementing policy decisions of the government
- developing gambling legislation and regulation
- supporting and facilitating stakeholder engagement and providing advice to the Minister for Consumer Affairs Gaming and Liquor Regulation on responsible gambling.
For more information on licensing, compliance, education, research and responsible gambling, refer to the Gambling section of our website.
Gambling reports, submissions and discussion papers:
The role of statutory agencies and positions
The Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR) (External link) is an independent statutory authority established under the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation Act 2011. The VCGLR is responsible for regulating all forms of legalised gambling and liquor licence activities in Victoria. The VCGLR is responsible for regulating gaming machines, wagering, keno, interactive gaming, community and charitable gaming, bookmakers, public lotteries, trade promotion lotteries, gambling at the Melbourne casino and liquor licensing arrangements.

The Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation (VRGF) (External link) is an independent statutory authority established in July 2012, that works to foster responsible gambling and reduce the incidence and impact of problem gambling on the Victorian community. The foundation funds services for people affected by problem gambling, community education to foster responsible gambling and research to ensure services and education are based on the best information available. For more information on licensing, compliance, education, research and responsible gambling, refer to the Gambling section of our website.
In this section you can find links to Victorian Legislation and Bills. To learn more about the legislative process go to how a law is made.
Bills this Week
See which Bills are being released, debated and passed when Parliament is sitting.
Bills in Parliament
Bills currently being considered by Parliament
All Bills
Contains Bills from 1996 onwards.
Gambling Advertising Legislation Victoria Canada
Bill Status List
Details the current status of all Bills considered by the Parliament this year.
Guides for departments
Includes a guide for government department and agency staff on delivering second reading speeches to Parliament.

Legislation (Acts and Statutory Rules)
In force
Gambling Advertising Legislation Victoria Warren
Current and superseded versions of Acts and statutory rules incorporating any amendments that have been made. You should look here to find the law as it is today.
As made
Acts and statutory rules as originally enacted or made (not incorporating later amendments). Contains all Acts passed since 1851. These are the original versions of principal and amending Acts as they were passed and do not contain details of updates.
Commencement Information
For details of when Acts and statutory rules came into operation.
- Created: Wednesday, 15 July 2009 13:09
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 15 December 2020 16:06